Temporary Accommodation
We are located in brand new state of the art, temporary accommodation on the site of the former Greyhound Racing Stadium, Harold’s Cross. This is also the proposed permanent location of our new start of art school which will be built to accommodate 1000 students.
The school is in a great location and is served by a wide range of excellent transport links and is therefore extremely accessible.
Planning application for our permanent accommodation is due to be submitted quarter 2 2021. Once submitted, plans will be available to view on our school website.
Ipads, Stationery & Book Lists
Parents are required to have purchased a specially configured iPad for their child through our iPad distributor, Wriggle Learning. This is an important educational tool which will greatly enhance your child’s learning experiences. A range of payment options is available.
A book bundle is also required as part of your child attending our school. All of the textbooks required by students can be purchased as a bundle and then downloaded onto each iPad. Details about all of this will be included in your welcome pack and during Term 1, all students receive guidance and support on how to access their e-books as part of our Digital Learning Bootcamp.
A list of stationery and booklist is included below for Fifth and Transition Year students.
Junior Cycle School Books Scheme will cover all of your child’s textbook costs as well as all of their stationery costs in First, Second and Third year. All the books and stationery packs will be given to your child at the start of 2024-2025 academic year. In June, our Board of Management will ratify our Junior Cycle Schoolbooks Policy which will then be shared with you all in August. Please note that all of these books, school journal and materials belong to the school and that any textbooks which are damaged will need to be replaced, with the cost borne by the parent. It is expected that at least one if not two subsequent students will be using the same set of textbooks for their Junior Cycle education once your child completes their Junior Cycle.
School Administration Charge
The school administration charge covers 24-hour injury insurance for your child, a Microsoft Office 365 license and account, Vs Ware subscription, a locker and tamper-proof lock, Schoolwise subscription, web-text, telephone, photocopying and administration charges.
Please be advised that if there is an issue with payment of these fees, we would encourage you to contact our office, in complete confidence, to discuss payment options.
Annual Contribution
In an ideal world, our schools would be funded at a level which would allow them to flourish and plan for the future, but unfortunately, the money that we receive from the state covers the bare minimum required to keep the school open, to maintain it, to insure it, to light it and to heat it.
Annual contributions go some way in enabling us to provide our students with the best educational tools. We are requesting a contribution of €275, but any contribution, no matter how small, will help contribute to our efforts to provide the best teaching and learning experiences possible.
By donating €275 we can also claim tax back from Revenue, so your very generous donation is actually worth more to our school. In order for us to be able to claim this tax please complete a CHY3 form (Enduring Certificate). Please click here to download this form.
Contributions are gratefully received via the following methods of payment, whichever works best for you and your family circumstances:
Please see information regarding the school bank details below:
Account Name | Harold's Cross Educate Together Secondary School |
Bank Name | AIB |
Branch | 9 Terenure Road, Rathgar, Dublin |
IBAN | IE56AIBK93107130769046 |
School App
Our school app is the main means of communication with parents. Options to download are available below.
Technology and the availability of good IT access in schools in recognised as being an important element in the 21 st Century learning and teaching. Below is a list of the software/technologies that our school uses that are designed to aid parents and students with communication, collaboration, teaching and learning. We aim to use technology to enhance the educational experience and support the learning of each student. Below is a list of technologies we use, designed to aid our school community in collaboration, communication, teaching and learning.
The School App
Our school app is the main means of communication with parents. Options to download are available below.
Watch our School App help video
VS Ware is our school administration system. You can view your child’s timetable and school reports via VS Ware. Log in details will be sent to all new parents before publication of your child’s first school reports.
SchoolWise is an e-learning platform which combines assessment, student progress, learner support and curriculum planning into one place. Students can submit work to teachers as well as receive feedback on homework and classwork assignments all via SchoolWise.
Office 365
Students have an Office 365 account as part of their iPad software package.
Features include:
Personalised school email account
Cloud storage
Microsoft Word
As one of the leading EdTech Companies in Ireland, Wriggle is a digital learning solution for schools. Our school has chosen to give every student access to their own tablet for learning, with safe management and support from Wriggle, in order to help students to reach their potential and to prepare them with the skills they will need for college, work and life.
What’s included in your child’s Wriggle Technology Bundle?
• Wriggle Services and Support for 3 years €99.
• Device Management license included
• Provisioned Educational Apps (chosen by your school) available on your device
• New school apps and updates are pushed to your device as required
• School Specific device restrictions are applied to your device
Visit https://www.wriggle.ie/ to learn more or go to https://store.wriggle.ie/ to purchase your device (Store Code: 54926027)