Mobile Phone Policy
One of our key priorities is to continue to build positive relationships in our school. Positive relationships are fundamental to the learning environment that we aspire to create. To achieve this, we need all parents/guardians’ support with our mobile phone policy.
We want to create an environment where students are focused on their learning, building social connections and are not distracted by mobile phones. We recommend that students do not bring mobile phones on to the school campus. To facilitate this, you can always pass a message to your child during the school day through the school office. Similarly, if your child wishes to contact you, they can use the school office phone.
However, if your child wishes to bring a phone in to school, they must switch it off and lock it away in their locker before 8.20am each morning. Phones can only be accessed at the end of the school day after the last lesson. Please do not call your child during the school day on their mobile phone and strongly discourage your child from contacting you using their phone.
We ask that you consider the following before allowing your child to bring their mobile phone to school.
Mobile phones are valuable items which may lead to theft. The school is not responsible for replacing a lost, stolen or damaged phone.
Use of camera phones can lead to child protection and data protection issues.
If a mobile phone is used without permission, it will be confiscated, placed in a zip lock bag and locked away in the school office for collection by your child at the end of the school day.
In the event of a repeat, phone will be confiscated and only returned to a parent/guardian who will need to make an appointment prior to collection.